Email subscription

Why be an Email Subscriber?

I’m sure you’re sick and tired of being asked for your email, almost every damn site you go on to asks. It’s so frustrating! Especially the F’n popups!! I absolutely cant stand those! I promise I’ll never have those on this site.

You probably happened on this site by chance, maybe something caught your eye, you googled something or other and well, here you are. You want to read the article and get the fk back your life. Am I right? So really, what’s the point of subscribing?

Well…. knowledge OBVVV! (…….and free swag :D)!!

Ok so for real….my main hope, at least, is that I can pass on some of the knowledge that I’ve learned over my lifetime on to you.  Much like yourself, I’ve experienced some of the most incredible moments in life, and at times, some disastrous ones.  From living on a tropical island with an Insta model surrounded by some of the riches people in the world, to not even having food to eat and relying on the local homeless shelter just to survive. But through it all, I’ve made it one of my missions in life to not let the lessons learned along the way be lost, and be put to some good use.

I’m a scientist by education, so I’m very curious about what works and what doesn’t. Almost everything I do is  a series of experiments, trials and errors, logged and recorded along the way, (ala Tim Ferriss).  From relationships to business ventures. Some have worked out incredibly well and some have failed miserably, but the one constant that remains is the lesson.

Along with the knowledge that I would be honored to share with you, I have had the pleasure of being a part of some incredible business ventures.  There’s always new products coming out and all of my email subscribers will get to share in the goodness.  I will be giving away samples, new products, discounts to events, and much much more as they come along. In the words of a long lost immortal friend:



I plan to give away as much of what I’ve learned and acquired along the way and I hope you will let me give something to you!

Thanks A Million,
